Holiday Decorating

Do you have your holiday decorations ready?  I know that we don't at our house so the rush is on!

The Holidays are here as they all seem to just arrive overnight.  So much to do and never enough time.  I know our house always seems to have endless projects to be done and we try to chip away at them a little bit at a time but getting help from professionals is just part of the season.  We just had tree trimmers working on our big trees that desperately needed trimming and now it's time to think about the outside decorations.  We keep trying different combinations of decorating from lights on the eaves of the house to wrapping a few trees with lights.  This year we're debating what the right combination of lights should be.  One of the big things from last year was finally giving up on all those big colored light sets with the big bulbs that seem to burn out faster than they can be replaced.  We finally got with the new LED trend in lighting and at least with new lights they all worked!!

The one thing I really don't like about decorating is climbing ladders.  Now I don't have acrophobia (fear of heights) but I also don't have the confidence that I used to have with my balance when I was younger.  I am fighting the getting older part of life but it is there and my father fell off a ladder a few years ago and broke his arm so I am much more cognizant of my limitations.  Now my next alternative is to get my kids to help but sometimes that is even worse as getting them to show up is hard enough and then getting them to actually start and complete the job is even more painful. 

So the answer this year is to hire someone to do the job!

So my first question is who to hire.  Well luckily I own a window washing company with experts at working on ladders and high places with ease so that is my first option.  Lucky for me and you is that the experts at the Window Agency have a lot of experience in holiday lighting and decorating.  I'm not the most creative in the decorating department and my wife and I sometimes have different ideas about the best way to decorate, so it's been very helpful to have our holiday experts give us some suggestions.
Some of the biggest questions are the most basic which start with where to plug in the lights?  Next, do they go on a timer or a photo electric switch?  How far do extension cords reach?  Do we need more lights?  The questions seem endless but the experts at the Window Agency have the answers and are ready to get the decorating done quickly and efficiently.  They can bring all the lights, cords and hangars so I can watch them work and not have to worry about climbing ladders, figuring out cords and last programming the timers.
The holidays can be very stressful and I have been so happy to leave the outside decorating to the experts at the Window Agency.  Now the inside decorating still needs